Mr. Carey's Math Class

Welcome to 8th Grade Math!

We will be using the online/book platform of Pearson Realize. This has recently changed to Savvas Realize. The classroom will be ran as a hybrid classroom with teaching and hard copy format and online quizzes, tests, and additional practice. 

Please check to make sure you have been added into the PearsonRealize/Savvas Realize platform and become aware with it. You can access your book online using this platform if you have left your book at school/home. 

Most of the additional practice/worksheets will be found on this website. 

We will also be using Google Classroom as a platform for communication. I recommend setting up notifications on your cellphone or email to notify you when there is an update. You should all receive an email with that invitation to join the google classroom. I recommend parents also set up to be notified when there is an update to a classroom. 

I Look Forward to this CRAZY YEAR!